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Active Villages

This is YOUR page to read, and find out the activities in the area. 

I was lucky enough to start work with Together an Active Future in 2022, with the aim to create a whole village approach to physical and mental wellbeing through inclusive activities. "Nothing to Something" and "Something to More".  

Here are some of the projects already happening.



Play and Sport Library

A Crowdfunding Lancashire bid, to raise money so that there would be sports equipment readily available for the whole community to access. Providing ease and accessibility into sport and play and to increase the use of the playing field.


Park Play

Throughout the years we developed different play type social sessions. Currently this is lead with a weekly park play session at Dunsop Bridge at 10am on Saturday. 

There will be more coming to the Ribble Valley.

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Farming Stronger 4 Longer

It begins with a leaflet distributed mainly through the brilliant field nurses, at the various farming and agricultural shows as well as through the auctions. In 2024 developments started to speed up, and in 2025 we are running free trials, producing social media content, booklets and connecting with like minded organisations.

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Picnic at the Park

On September  23rd there will be a picnic in the park with games for the kids and adults to join in. Starting with Story Time Movement. Bring your own picnic or order one. Booking at....

Yoga Class


Move Longevity

A class for those who want to stay biologically young whilst they chronoligally age. A fancy way of saying stay younger for longer. It aims to support balance/strength, cardio, brain health, and community. 


MoveMore Naturally

A free Introduction to Moving More Naturally in the environment we evolved in, making the connections that we are missing out on. Set as part of the Forest of Bowland AONB events calendar, i wanted to give people the inspiration to do more in nature and to really feel a sense of being part of it.

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